Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Mobile Information Services

I've not been keeping tabs on what's been happening in the world of mobile information services (and in particular asynchronous, SMS services) for a bit, so let's see what's happenign at the old haunts...

Portalify seem to be slowly pushing out their Library applications, and their Coinlet mobile payment system.

Mobile ticketing seems a sensible application - I wonder if a crude derivative of this approach could be used to take payment for tea and biscuits and suchlike from charity stalls - send a message ("charitygift cup of tea") to a premium. 50p a shot number, and get a receipt back: "Thank you for donating 50p to /whatever charity/ for your cup of tea"! No more need for loose change - just post the quicktext number and keyword and let the txt take the payment. Show the receipt msg and collect your cuppa!

This looks like it may be worth exploring - text.it, which is apparently "the only official website dedicated to text messaging in the UK".

Now here's a thought (though possibly little more than that) - mGovernment: Mobile/Wireless Applications in Government. Using mobiles to co-ordinate activist activities (?!) is probably more likely: An Introduction to Activism on the Internet: Cell Phones


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